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Privacy Policy - Newsletter



Below are given information about the processing of your personal data in accordance with art. 13 of Reg. (EU) 2016/679 related to the newsletter subscription via online form.

The data controller is VEGA SRL located in Via degli Appennini 11-13, 63845 Ponzano di Fermo (FM), p. iva 01578140442 contactable via email address


For what purpose are your data processed by the data controllers?


What is the legal base which legalize the processing?


How long the data is kept?

To send via email newsletter (information about the digital conversion of the company, the economy, the politics, events etc…) to those who have specifically requested it by digiting their email adress in the form

Execution of a contract of which you are a part


Until you unsubscribe from the newsletter


To carry out marketing activities by sending via automated / traditional ways, promotional communications about services or products (for example, info about new events)

Legitimate interest of the data controller


Until the withdrawal of the permission (carried out through the methods described ain paragraph 6)


To carry out marketing activities based on initiatives, services or products of third parties (partner) by sending, via automated / traditional ways, promotional communications (for example, an invitation to join to an event / webinar or to download whitepaper)

Permission from the interested party given through the selection of a specific box (only if this provision is provided within the form)


Until the withdrawal of the permission (carried out through the methods described in the section RIGHTS OF INTERESTED PARTY)



To carry out profilation activities. It consists in the processing of Your profile based on your data and also based on the information from the browsing on data controllers’ websites (inferred from on-line clicks in specific sections). They are stored through cookies in order to let them to send promotional messages (for example personalized emails) and show on-line contents suitable to the profile tank to online ad-banners


Permission from the interested party lent through the selection of a specific box inside the cookie banner

Untile the withdrawal of the permission (carried out as indicated in the cookie policy)



The provision of data requested in the form is necessary in order to dispense the service and for recurring communications about services from you acquired. The provision of data is not mandatory but it needs the permission for marketing activities.



Your data will be inserted from the data controller within the managment sistem in which it will be created Your profile – also used to carried out marketing activites described above.

Your data will be processed from the employees of company functions and from the collaborators with the role to execute the purposes described before. They were specifically autorized for the processing and they received specific information and instructions.



The data may be processed from third parties which work with the role of data controllers legitimated to receive data as public authorities or professional studies. The data can also be processed by third parties on behalf of the data controller (in accordance with art. 28 of GDPR) to whom are given operational instructions as companies which offer marketing, communication, managment or maintenaince services of websites, database of other sistems.

Considering the fact that the last ones can be set outside the EU or the European Economic Area, they can be set expecially in the USA which is a contry well-considered from the EU in the limit of “EU-USA Data Protection Framework” of 10 July 2023. If the “importer subject” is located in a country which is not considered adequate from EU standards, Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC, art. 46 co. 2 lett. C of GDPR) will be stipulated. It is also possible to obtain a copy asking to the data controller using the contact details written above in paragraph 1.



You, as interested party, (namely the subject to whom the personal data refer) can practise the rights described in artt. 15-22 of GDPR or contacting the Holder via email:

Expecially, those interested can:

  • Obtain the confirm that is / is not in progress a processing of personal data that concern them. In this case, they can ask for the access to these data and to these information in accordance with art. 15 of GDPR (processing purpose, personal data categories etc.)
  • Obtain the rectification of wrong data or the integration of incompleted data in accordance with art. 16 of GDPR
  • Asking for the cancellation of personal data in the provided hypotheses in art. 17 of GDPR (only if data controllers do not have the right to process them anymore) 
  • Obtain processing limitation (temporary submission of data with the only objective to keep them) in certain cases provided in the art. 18 GDPR2
  • Oppose in every moment (for reasons related to a particular situation) to the processing of personal data which concern the user based on the priciple of legitimate interest
  • If the processing is based on a permission or on a contract and if it is carried out with automated instruments, you have the right to request the data (they has to be understandable and readble from an automated device). If this can not be satisfied the data should be trasferred to another data controller in accordance with art. 20 of GDPR “Right to Portability”)

As indicated above, You can, in every moment, revoke the permission and oppose to the processing for marketing purposes (you can also do this by clicking on the link “unsubscribe” written in every email)

To practise your rights you can contact the data controller writing to


Rev 01 del 20.06.2024